North Somerset Council is seeking our views on a proposal to make changes to the speed limit through the centre of Tickenham Village. It’s your opportunity to have your say.
To jump straight to a North Somerset Council Survey about this click here
You will remember that a while ago Tickenham Parish Council sought views on the 20mph speed limit near the school, including whether it should be advisory (as now) or mandatory. Things have moved forward and North Somerset Council is preparing a scheme for a full-time mandatory limit but before a Road Traffic Order can be made NSC will carry out a public consultation.
This will be held on WEDNESDAY 26th JULY 2023 from 1.00 to 6.00 p.m in the Committee Room at the Village Hall. All residents, school parents, and carers are encouraged to attend.
Just drop in at a time convenient for you.
NSC representatives will be available to explain the proposal and answer your questions. You can also respond via an ‘e consult’ which will be available on the NSC website from 12th July to 9th August 2023.
This is hugely important for both school parents/carers and residents and we hope that as many of you as possible will be able to take part in this official consultation.
All you need to do is follow the link and complete the survey. Click Here for Survey.