Living In Tickenham

Tickenham Parish Council

Tickenham Parish Council has been in existence for getting on for 100 years and before that the Parish Meeting for a further thirty or forty years!

Many things have improved over that time and the Council continues to consider a variety of issues affecting the village, not least planning applications and highways issues.

There is much variety and some frustration but being a parish councillor is a commitment to maintaining the ethos of the village.

Tickenham is served by North Somerset Council.  

Cllr Nigel Ashton is our North Somerset Council Ward Councillor and holds a surgery during the monthly Village Market (2nd Saturday of the month) in the village hall committee room, from 10.30am.

Further information:

Committee Meeting

The parish council meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room, from 7.00p.m.

The Annual Parish Meeting is held in April and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (when it elects its officers) is held in May.

Link to Tickenham Parish Council Facebook page:

A taste of Tickenham past …Tickenham Village Parish Council

1894  First Parish Meeting
1895  Allotment rent is 8s4d (42p) per annum
1918  Request for reduction in rats in village
1923  Election of first Parish Council
1924  10mph speed limit requested
1925  351 parishioners attend Annual Parish Meeting
1930  Problems with water on the road 
1946  Top of Hill Lane has no water, electricity or gas 
1953  TV sets at Village Hut for coronation
1966  Talk of street lighting: residents say ‘no’ 
1972 ‘Gardeners Question Time’ held in village hall
1975  Street numbering of Clevedon Road
1980  Village Field purchased
1992  Tickenham wins Best Kept Village competition

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